No. de Sistema: ( 320412 ) Clasificación LC: ( QH541.2 .F6 2000)
ISBN: ( 0521669731 )
Autor: Ford, E. D.
Título: Scientific method for ecological research /
Responsabilidad: E. David Ford.
Pie de imprenta: Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University, 2000
Descripción física: xix, 564 p. : il., gráf. ; 25 cm.

Incluye referencias bibliográficas: (p. [525]-539).

1. Component processes of ecological research.-- Sección. 1. Developing an analytical framework.-- 2. Five processes of research planning.-- 3. Conceptual and propositional analysis for defining research problems.-- 4. Development of a research plan.-- 5. How theories develop and how to use them.-- 6. The art of measurement and experiment.-- 7. Methods of reasoning in research.-- 8. Assessment of postulates.-- 9. Individual philosophies and their methods.-- Sección. 2. Making a Synthesis for scientific inference.-- 10. Properties and domains of ecological concepts.-- 11. Strategies of scientific research in ecology.-- 12. Use of mathematical models for constructing explanations in ecology.-- Sección. 3. Working in the research community.-- 13. Scientific research as a social process.-- 14. Values and standpoints and their influence on research.-- Sección. 4. Defining a methodology for ecological research.-- 15. The methodology of progressive synthesis.-- 16. Criticisms and improvements for the scientific method in ecology.

Temas - Términos temáticos (Subjects--Topical Terms):

  • Ecologia Investigaciones Metodología.
  • Metodología científica.

  • Ítems:
    Código de barras: [ 183201 ] Biblioteca: [ Biblioteca Magna ] Colección/Fondo: [Acervo General] Tipo de ítem: [ 01-Préstamo Interno (Libros) ]