No. de Sistema: ( 299438 ) Clasificación LC: ( RC806 .P4 1992)
ISBN: ( 9780060984052 ) ( 0060984058 )
Autor: Peikin, Steven R.
Título: Gastrointestinal health : a self-help nutritional program to prevent, cure, or alleviate irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, heartburn, gas, constipation, and many other digestive disorders /
Responsabilidad: Steven R. Peikin, Cheryl Clifford Marco.
Edición: 1a ed.
Pie de imprenta: New York : HarperPerennial, 1992
Descripción física: ix, 293 p. ; 20 cm.

Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índice.

Part One. Gastrointestinal Health.--
1. The Self-Help Nutritional Program: A Healing Diet.--
2. How the GI Tract Works.--
3. What Your Symptoms Mean.--
4. Is Your GI Disorder Psychosomatic? The Brain-Gut Connection.--

Part Two. Gastrointestinal Problems- and How to Alleviate Them.--
5. Gastroesophageal Reflux (Heartburn, Hiatal Hernia, Barrett's Esophagus).--
6. Peptic Ulcer Disease.--
7. Pancreatitis.--
8. Gallbladder Problems.--
9. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).--
10. Gastrointestinal Gas (Gas Pain, Belching. Flatulence, Milk Intolerance).--
11. Constipation.--
12. Diarrhea.--
13. Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis.--
14. Hemorrhoids and Fissures.--
15. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis).--
16. Food Allergies.--
17. Stress: The Great GI Aggravator.--

Part Three. Quick Fixes with OTC Products.--

Part Four. The Self-Help Nutritional Program: The Two-Week Master Program.--

Part Five. The Principles Behind the Self-Help Nutritional Program.--
18. Increasing Fiber.--
19. Lowering Fat.--
20. Reducing Lactose.--
21. Lowering Spice Content.--
22. Reducing Gas-Forming Legumes.--
23. Low Calories/High Nutrition.--
24. Flag Foods for Fine Tuning.--
25. Smoking. Alcohol, and Caffeine and Digestive Disorders.--

Part Six. Weight Considerations.--
26. How to Adjust Calories for Your Needs.--
27. Losing Weight.--
28. Exercise to Control Weight and Improve Digestive Function.--
29. If You Need to Gain Weight.--

Part Seven. Your Gastrointestinal Maintenance Plan.--
30. Keeping Track of Your Progress.--
31. Your Everyday Cooking.--
32. Dining Out.--

Part Eight. Gastrointestinal-Healthy Recipes.--
33. Appetizers and Soups.--
34. Entrees: Fish and Seafood.--
35. Entrées: Meat.--
36. Entrées: Meatless.--
37. Entrées: Poultry.--
38. Side Dishes: Grains and Starches.--
39. Side Dishes: Salads and Vegetables.--
40. Breads and Muffins.--
41. Breakfast Dishes.--
42. Desserts.--
43. Miscellaneous.

Temas - Términos temáticos (Subjects--Topical Terms):

  • Sistema gastrointestinal Enfermedades Obras populares.
  • Enfermedades gastrointestinales Dietoterapia.
  • Gastrointestinal system Diseases Popular works.

  • Ítems:
    Código de barras: [ 177602 ] Biblioteca: [ Biblioteca Magna ] Colección/Fondo: [Acervo General] Tipo de ítem: [ 01-Préstamo Interno (Libros) ]