No. de Sistema: ( 247568 ) Clasificación LC: ( RD734 .G5 1969)
ISBN: ( 9780407148000 ) ( 0407148000 )
Autor: Gillis, Leon.
Título: Diagnosis in orthopaedics /
Responsabilidad: Leon Gillis.
Pie de imprenta: Londres, Inglaterra : Butterworth, 1969
Descripción física: vii, 312 p. : il. ; 26 cm.
El ejemplar No. 1 se encuentra para su consulta en la Biblioteca de la Preparatoria no. 1 en el Fondo Julián Gascón Mercado.

1. Method of examination.--
2. Special diagnostic test in orthopaedics.--
3. Radiology of bone and joint conditions.--
4. Electrodiagnosis of bone arthritis.--
5. Diagnosis of bone swelling.--
6. Common forms of arthritis.--
7. Preliminary examination for a suspected nerve lesion.--
8. Examination and diagnosis of peripheral nerve lesion.--
9. Examination and diagnosis of major peripheral nerve lesion.--
10. Affections of the cervical spine and the thoracic inlet.--
11. The shoulder joint.--
12. Affections of the elbow and forearm.--
13. Conditions of the wrist and hand.--
14. Stance and gait in the diagnosis of orthopaedic conditions.--
15. Backache.--
16. Some spinal deformities.--
17. Examination of the hip joint.--
18. Affections of the hip joint.--
19. Examination of the knee joint.--
20. Affections of the knee joint.--
21. Diagnosis of common disorders of the foot.--
22. Examination for vascular conditions.--
23. Clinical aspects of cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy.--
24. Multiple injuries.--
25. Head and spinal injuries.--
26. Injuries to the face and jaws.--
27. Medical reports.--
28. Relation of the surgeon to the medicolegal patient and the courts.

Temas - Términos temáticos (Subjects--Topical Terms):

  • Orthopedics Diagnosis.
  • Ortopedia Diagnóstico.
  • Articulaciones Rango de movimiento Diagnóstico.
  • Sistem musculoesquelético Enfermedades Diagnóstico.
  • Medicina Manuales.
  • Medicina Libros de texto.

  • Ítems:
    Código de barras: [ 021241 ] Biblioteca: [ Biblioteca de la Preparatoria No. 1 Tepic, Nay ] Colección/Fondo: [Fondo Julián Gascón Mercado] Tipo de ítem: [ 01-Préstamo Interno (Libros) ]